Interior Design
Our Values
Living Design
Living Design is our ability to create high-performance spaces that integrate human and ecological well-being on multiple levels.
We work on each project, having embodied all those elements that we think are essential for a holistically healthy environment. We mention some of these elements: regeneration, resilience, sustainability, equality, inclusion and prosperity. In this way, we help meet or exceed the performance goals of each of our clients' projects.
Social Purpose
Our social purpose concerns the straightforward narration of shared, powerful stories, between clients and architects - designers - artists, who tackled each project.
Considering the threat of climate change and loss of ecosystem function, the urgency to act and change our approach is more pressing than ever. Sustainability is already promoted by the design, giving a new dimension to traditional architectural choices, such as project orientation and natural light.
At the same time, the specific value is an integral factor for all critical design decisions that will affect the life cycle of the building. We are more ready than ever to contribute to the creation of more sustainable projects, whether in the context of the construction of large, multinational companies, or in the houses we undertake.
Carbon-Neutral Business Operations
The ways in which we develop, design and construct the environment around us have a huge impact on the world we live in. According to research, buildings are responsible for almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions and are a leading source of construction waste, energy use and water consumption.
At our architectural office, we make every effort to ensure that our projects are LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The American LEED system certifies energy autonomy and low emission of pollutants to the environment. Like the BREEAM system, it can be applied to any building installation, whether residential or commercial.
We are setting even more ambitious goals around net zero embodied carbon every day, — not only in our architectural approach, but also in interior design.
Biophilic και Active Design
Our approach is to be active and integrate the common areas of the building into the main core of the project, provoking the interest of the public, in order to be used for the benefit of the individual. Our motivation is to keep the personnel healthy by keeping them moving. With this design model, physical exercise is essentially "embedded" in the environment they coexist with every day.
We strive to connect people with nature, even in our most complex urban environments. When people are around natural plants and vegetation, they tend to be healthier physically and mentally.
Our purpose
As architects and designers, we believe that the broader goals of society are:
to harness the power of design to improve life and everyday life, to create spaces that conserve and protect our planet's natural resources, to provide healthy spaces to live, learn, work, play, explore and strive to be the best version of ourselves in all aspects of our work, live in a supportive and collaborative community, have integrity and always respect others, invest in our talent, nurture creative thinking.
Living Design is our ability to create high-performance spaces that integrate human and ecological well-being on multiple levels.
We work on each project, having embodied all those elements that we think are essential for a holistically healthy environment. We mention some of these elements: regeneration, resilience, sustainability, equality, inclusion and prosperity. In this way, we help meet or exceed the performance goals of each of our clients’ projects.
Our social purpose concerns the straightforward narration of shared, powerful stories, between clients and architects – designers – artists, who tackled each project.
Considering the threat of climate change and loss of ecosystem function, the urgency to act and change our approach is more pressing than ever. Sustainability is already promoted by the design, giving a new dimension to traditional architectural choices, such as project orientation and natural light.
At the same time, the specific value is an integral factor for all critical design decisions that will affect the life cycle of the building. We are more ready than ever to contribute to the creation of more sustainable projects, whether in the context of the construction of large, multinational companies, or in the houses we undertake.
The ways in which we develop, design and construct the environment around us have a huge impact on the world we live in. According to research, buildings are responsible for almost 40% of greenhouse gas emissions and are a leading source of construction waste, energy use and water consumption.
At our architectural office, we make every effort to ensure that our projects are LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design). The American LEED system certifies energy autonomy and low emission of pollutants to the environment. Like the BREEAM system, it can be applied to any building installation, whether residential or commercial.
We are setting even more ambitious goals around net zero embodied carbon every day, — not only in our architectural approach, but also in interior design.
Our approach is to be active and integrate the common areas of the building into the main core of the project, provoking the interest of the public, in order to be used for the benefit of the individual. Our motivation is to keep the personnel healthy by keeping them moving. With this design model, physical exercise is essentially “embedded” in the environment they coexist with every day.
We strive to connect people with nature, even in our most complex urban environments. When people are around natural plants and vegetation, they tend to be healthier physically and mentally.
As architects and designers, we believe that the broader goals of society are:
to harness the power of design
to improve life and everyday life
to create spaces that conserve and protect our planet’s natural resources
to provide healthy spaces to live, learn, work, play, explore and strive
to be the best version of ourselves in all aspects of our work, live in a supportive and collaborative community, have integrity and always respect others, invest in our talent, nurture creative thinking.
With ISO certification secured, we aim for every business space through special design, with the appropriate equipment (special design equipment), but also through the special study we carry out to dedicate an exclusive space, specially designed in the building for the implementation of the recycle corner.
We prioritize and promote diversity at all levels. We give special importance to art and value to young artists, offering them an audience, corporate or private to exhibit their work. Our orientation towards co-creation with diverse partners ensures practical collaboration with minorities, as well as artists in the early stages of their work.
Our philosophy gives talented — but often invisible — creators of art the opportunity to shine.
Another element that makes us stand out from the competition is that our office is distinguished by the excellent team spirit among the people who work together. We are truly a team that shares the same values and the same vision for its development and outlook.
In addition, we accept graduates for their internships, from all levels and all Design programs.
We give the chance to artistic environments, young artists, young forums, young talents to collaborate with us, drawing experiences through our professional proposals and we integrate them into specific projects that match their research.
We are committed to hiring, cultivating and working with the best and most dedicated associates and treating all people with respect.
Our office cares for the development and training of partners and also for the participation of employees in industry seminars, as well as corresponding trainings, useful for everyone to keep up with the needs of the modern era.
Our core value is to serve all the needs and desires of our customers, of all scales and all requirements, with the same enthusiasm and energy.
Our involvement does not stop at architectural research, but includes, in most projects, the construction of the project. Our partners and the craftsmen we choose for the implementation of our projects share the same values with us. For this reason, we could say that working as “one” and having long-term partnerships with clients and partners, are our main characteristics.
With ISO certification secured, we aim for every business space through special design, with the appropriate equipment (special design equipment), but also through the special study we carry out to dedicate an exclusive space, specially designed in the building for the implementation of the recycle corner.
We prioritize and promote diversity at all levels. We give special importance to art and value to young artists, offering them an audience, corporate or private to exhibit their work. Our orientation towards co-creation with diverse partners ensures practical collaboration with minorities, as well as artists in the early stages of their work. Our philosophy gives talented — but often invisible — creators of art the opportunity to shine.
Τeam Spirit
Another element that makes us stand out from the competition is that our office is distinguished by the excellent team spirit among the people who work together. We are truly a team that shares the same values and the same vision for its development and outlook.
In addition, we accept graduates for their internships, from all levels and all Design programs.
We give the chance to artistic environments, young artists, young forums, young talents to collaborate with us, drawing experiences through our professional proposals and we integrate them into specific projects that match their research.
Our team
We are committed to hiring, cultivating and working with the best and most dedicated associates and treating all people with respect.
Our office cares for the development and training of partners and also for the participation of employees in industry seminars, as well as corresponding trainings, useful for everyone to keep up with the needs of the modern era.
Personalization of services
Our core value is to serve all the needs and desires of our customers, of all scales and all requirements, with the same enthusiasm and energy.
Our involvement does not stop at architectural research, but includes, in most projects, the construction of the project. Our partners and the craftsmen we choose for the implementation of our projects share the same values with us. For this reason, we could say that working as "one" and having long-term partnerships with clients and partners, are our main characteristics.
Well-established and experienced in many fields.
Realized projects
Years of experience
Team members
Projects Preview
What sets us apart from the rest is our visionary goal & truly unique designs that are specially curated to perfection for our clients.
With a team of dedicated architects, engineers, and project managers, we excel in understanding your company's unique needs and translating them into cutting-edge, functional, and aesthetically pleasing spaces. Whether you're planning a new office, a commercial facility, or a manufacturing plant, we have the experience and creativity to make your project a success. Our commitment to excellence and innovation extends to every aspect of our work. We integrate the latest construction technologies, sustainable practices, and forward-thinking design concepts to create spaces that not only meet your current needs but also anticipate your future requirements.
Our team of talented architects and designers excels in creating versatile, adaptable spaces that can seamlessly transition from one purpose to another. Whether it's a flexible event space, a multipurpose community center, a restaurant or store, we understand the art of combining form and function. We're not just about architecture; we're about possibilities. We fuse creativity, sustainability, and state-of-the-art technology to craft spaces that empower you to achieve more. From adaptable interiors to energy-efficient structures, our multipurpose designs are a testament to our commitment to your vision.
Here, we understand that your home is your sanctuary. We pay meticulous attention to detail, from the layout to the finishes, to ensure that your living space is both functional and aesthetically pleasing. Our designs prioritize comfort, sustainability, and the latest trends in residential architecture. Your vision is our inspiration. We collaborate closely with you, taking your ideas and transforming them into a beautifully designed, custom home. Whether you're building your dream home from the ground up or renovating an existing space, choose us for a seamless, enjoyable, and expertly executed residential design experience. Experience the difference in home design!
Building spaces for every purpose since 2005
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Ρόη Γιαννοπούλου: Ο Walter Gropius και η Αμερικανική Πρεσβεία στην Αθήνα
Ο Walter Gropius, ιδρυτής της σχολής Bauhaus, άφησε ανεξίτηλο το στίγμα του στο παγκόσμιο αρχιτεκτονικό τοπίο.
Το όραμά του για λειτουργικό, μινιμαλιστικό σχεδιασμό βρήκε την έκφρασή του, συν τοις άλλοις, στο κτίριο της Αμερικανικής Πρεσβείας στην Αθήνα.
Αμερικανική Πρεσβεία στην Αθήνα ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΛΙΑΚΟΣ/INTIME NEWS
Οι δύο αρχές του Gropius για τον σχεδιασμό του κτιρίου έγκειται στις παρακάτω σκέψεις/δηλώσεις: «Το κτίριον της πρεσβείας θα είναι ανοικτό, χωρίς τοίχους, διαζώματα ή προσόψεις που να εμποδίζουν τη θέα του εσωτερικού. Το κτίριο θα είναι ανοικτό σε όλους και άρα δημοκρατικό» και « Καταβάλαμε κάθε δυνατή προσπάθεια για να συνδυάσουμε τις παραδόσεις της πόλεως (Αθήνα) με τις δικές μας αρχιτεκτονικές αντιλήψεις. Αλλά το να συνεχίζεις τις παραδόσεις δε σημαίνει τυφλή απομίμηση. Με αφετηρία την παράδοση πρέπει να προσπαθήσουμε να βρούμε τη γλώσσα εκείνη η οποία μπορεί να εκφράσει τη σημερινή πραγματικότητα».
Η έμφαση στην απλότητα, τη λειτουργικότητα και η χρήση σύγχρονων υλικών (σκυρόδεμα με επένδυση μαρμάρου, αλουμίνιο και γυαλί), κυριαρχούν στο σχεδιασμό της πρεσβείας.
Οι καθαρές γραμμές, η γεωμετρική/κυβιστική σύνθεση της κάτοψης, η απλότητα των όψεων χωρίς διακοσμήσεις, η διαφάνεια μέσω των γυάλινων επιφανειών και η στρατηγική χρήση των υλικών αντικατοπτρίζουν τη δέσμευση του Gropius να δημιουργήσει χώρους που είναι οπτικά εντυπωσιακοί και εξαιρετικά πρακτικοί.
Το κτίριο, καθώς βρίσκεται στην πλαγιά ενός λόφου με θέα στην πόλη της Αθήνας, εναρμονίζεται άψογα με το φυσικό του περιβάλλον. Οι εκτεταμένοι εξωτερικοί χώροι του, θολώνουν τα όρια της σχέσης εσωτερικού – εξωτερικού, ενισχύοντας την αίσθηση σύνδεσης με το τοπίο. Αυτή η στοχαστική ενσωμάτωση με το περιβάλλον είναι εμβληματική της πίστης του Gropius στην εναρμόνιση της αρχιτεκτονικής με τη φύση.
Οι αξίες της διαφάνειας, της δημοκρατίας και του νεωτερισμού σε μια διαρκή και ακλόνητη σχέση με την ανάγκη του αρχιτέκτονα για αποδέσμευση από το παρελθόν και προσαρμογή στο παρόν, αποτελούν απόδειξη της ακλόνητης δέσμευσής του να ξεπεράσει τα όρια της αρχιτεκτονικής καινοτομίας.
Read the article at news247.gr